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Closed Loop Stepper Drives

Leadshine offers wide choices of closed loop stepper drives which can control stepper motors through simple step and direction control or EtherCAT network bus.

After adding an encoder to a stepper motor, a closed-loop stepper drive can detect both the commanded target position & real-time position of the motor shaft and thus capable of closing the position loop like servo system. This approach makes the closed-loop system not only solve the step loss problem of open-loop stepper systems, but also keep the simplicity and low cost features of open-loop systems. Therefore, Leadshine closed loop stepper drives are ideal choices for upgrading open-loop systems, or replacing many servo low-middle-speed applications.

General Closed Loop Stepper Drives
Step & Direction, or CW/CCW control;
No loss of step; power Nema 8-34 stepper motors
Network Closed Loop Stepper Drive
EtherCAT closed loop stepper drives.
Compliant with COE; Support CSP、PP、PV、HM.